Numbers, numbers & more numbers

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Bookkeeping, it’s really all about numbers. Most small business owners have better things to do with their time…don’t they? After all, paperwork is that last thing you want to be doing when you have a business to run and jobs to do.

In reality we all know that keeping on top of the paperwork is vital if we are going to run a successful business whether we feel inclined to do it or not.

Having the numbers and financial information at your fingertips is vital if you don’t want to drown in receipts and invoices and can really be an eyeopener regarding how you run your business

But if you REALLY don’t want to do the books then leverage your time and get someone else to do it. I bet your accountant will do your books for you but a cheaper option would be to hire a bookkeeper.

If the business owner concentrates on what they are good at their rate per hour will be significantly higher than what a bookkeeper costs – it’s not just about the money, we can all make more money, the one thing we cannot make more of is time….. A bookkeeper is your link to your accountant.

Bookkeepers take your paperwork and transform it into meaningful information for you, the business owner, whilst also giving your accountant clean management accounts so they can advise you on your tax planning and also submit the correct information to HMRC.

So if you’re really not a numbers person, find someone who is

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